Hitachi L300P Power Supply User Manual

L300P Inverter
and Monitoring
Setting Motor Constants
Introduction The inverter has two separate motor constant sets named 1st, and 2nd. The 1st motor constant
set is the default, while the SET intelligent input selects the 2nd motor constant set. The follow-
ing table lists the V/f characteristic control methods:
The following table lists the parameters associated with motor constant settings. Set each
constant according the motor type in the application. When connecting more than one motor (in
parallel) to the inverter, set the constant values that are closest to the total capacity of the
combined motors.
Adjusting Motor
Observe the motor for instability, particularly when it is rotating at constant speed. A common
symptom of instability, sometimes called “hunting,” is marked by a “rattling” sound in the
motor. To correct the instability, you can adjust some of the parameters listed above.
Check the motor capacity (H003 / H203), and ensure it matches the capacity of your motor.
Check the motor poles setting (H004 / H204), and ensure it matches your motor.
If you are using a stabilization constant (H006 / H206) that is lower than the default setting,
trying raising it gradually up to the default value.
If the motor you are using is greater than the rated capacity of the inverter, lower the value of
H006 / H206.
If instability persists after you have checked the items above, try the procedures in the table
below. As soon as adjusting a parameter seems to produce stability, don’t change the param-
eter further. If adjusting a parameter has no effect, restore it to its original (or default) value.
V/f Characteristic Control Method 1st motor 2nd motor
V/f constant torque ✔✔
V/f variable torque ✔✔
V/f free-setting curve ✔✔
Func. Name Data Notes
A044 /
V/f characteristic curve selection,
1st / 2nd motors
00 V/f constant torque
01 V/f variable torque
02 V/f free-setting curve
H003 Motor capacity, 1st motor 0.2 – 75 Units: kW
H203 Motor capacity, 2nd motor 0.2 – 75 Units: kW
H004 Motor poles setting, 1st motor 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Units: poles
H204 Motor poles setting, 2nd motor 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 Units: poles
Motor stabilization constant, 1st
Motor stabilization constant, 2nd
Func. Name Data Range Procedure
A045 Output gain 20 – 100 Lower this value
B083 Carrier frequency 0.5 – 8.0 Lower this value
H006 / H206 Motor stabilization constant 0 – 255 Lower or raise this value