Hitachi CP-X807 Projector User Manual

4. Management with Web browser software
4.1 Conguring and controlling the projector via a web browser (Continued)
4.1.4 Port Settings
Displays and congures communication port settings.
Item Description
Network Control Port1
Congures command control port 1 (Port:23).
Port open Click [Enable] check box to use port 23.
Click [Enable] check box when authentication is required for
this port.
Network Control Port2
Congures command control port 2 (Port:9715).
Port open Click [Enable] check box to use port 9715.
Click [Enable] check box when authentication is required for
this port.
SNMP Port Congures the SNMP port.
Port open Click [Enable] check box to use SNMP.
Trap address Congures the destination of the SNMP Trap in IP format.
SMTP Port Congures the SMTP port.
Port open Click [Enable] check box to use the e-mail function.
Click [Apply] button to save the settings.