CHAPTER 3 "PCL5C" - 10
3.1. Set Color #1
ESC*v#A (27)(42)(118)#(65) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<41h>
Range = -32767 ~ 32767
Default value = 0
• This command sets the red value in the palette. Use the Set Color to Palette command to set the value
• The value range to be set varies depending on the specified black/white reference.
3.2. Set Color #2
ESC*v#B (27)(42)(118)#(66) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<42h>
Range = -32767 ~ 32767
Default value = 0
• This command sets the green value in the palette. Use the Set Color to Palette command to set the value.
• The value range to be set varies depending on the specified black/white reference.
3.3. Set Color #3
ESC*v#C (27)(42)(118)#(67) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<43h>
Range = -32767 ~ 32767
Default value = 0
• This command sets the blue value in the palette. Use the Set Color to Palette command to set the value.
• The value range to be set varies depending on the specified black/white reference.
3.4. Set Color to Palette
ESC*v#I (27)(42)(118)#(73) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<49h>
Range = 0 ~ (2
- 1) (The value n is specified by the Bit/Index setting in the Set PCL Color Setting
Default value = 0
• This command sets the red, green and blue values which are set by the Set Color #1, #2, #3 commands in the
• When an out of range value is set, it is ignored in the palette.
• This command sets the value which was set by the Set Color #1, #2, #3 commands to 0.
3.5. Select Color
ESC*v#S (27)(42)(118)#(83) <1Bh><2Ah><76h>#<53h>
# = 0 ~ current palette size
Default value = 0
• This command selects the color as the index number in the palette.
• This command is valid for text, underline, rule and graphics.
• This command does not affect the User-defined color pattern or HP-GL/2. (The HP-GL/2 command
selects the color using the SP command.)
• The value to be selected by this command is never affected by the Set PCL Color Setting, Set Render
Algorithm, Download Dither Matrix or Set Gamma Correction commands.