
5-2 701344-003
Entry Assist
In addition to the format controls (discussed below) supported in Change Format mode,
the following functions are supported in Document mode:
Screen margins
Audible alarm indicating the approach of the end of the line
Word wrap automatically moving an unfinished word to the next line when the word
would extend beyond the right margin
Autorepeat word forward and word reverse cursor movement
Autorepeat character deletion
Autorepeat character-deleting backspace in Insert mode
Word deletion
Once formats are established, further data entry takes place in Document mode with the
entry and editing functions listed above. Once text is entered, it remains in the given
format even if the format is changed later or the terminal is taken out of Document mode.
Entry Assist Functions
Entry Assist functions consisting of formatting controls, cursor movement, and editing
functions are described here for display stations with 102/103-key, 104-key, and
122-key keyboards attached.
Entering Document Mode
To enter Document mode, press the Document mode key (F1), then press the Change
Format key (F3). A format scale is displayed at the bottom of the screen, enabling various
format parameters to be altered. Cursor movement and editing controls are given to
certain keys upon entry into Document mode. When in Document mode, the display
shows the DOC message on the status row. The DOC message disappears when the
display is taken out of Document mode.
Format Controls
Once the display is in Document mode, press the Chg Fmt key to display the format
scale. This scale is displayed at the bottom of the display screen. A reverse video block
cursor is displayed on the format scale in the same column position as the chosen cursor
in the display area (the display cursor’s vertical position has no effect on the format scale
cursor’s position). Refer to Figure 5-1 on Page 5-3 for an example of the format scale.