
Family 2785+01 IBM Infoprint 2085
AFP/IPDS Barcode Printing
To support the BCOCA tower for printing of bar codes, the OCR-A and OCR-B fonts and their corresponding codes pages (892
and 893) must be resident in the printer. These are supported as shown in the "4028 Compatibility AFP/IPDS Resident Font
Set" table. Code page 1303 is also resident to be used for 128 bar codes.
AFP/IPDS DBCS Resident Raster Font Support
The following AFP font products are available in resident form as a feature on Infoprint 2085 and 2105. These fonts provide 240 pel
capability for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Thai languages.
AFP Japanese Object Font V2R1.1 for MVS and VSE (5771-AGB)
AFP Japanese Object Font V2R1.0 for MVS and VSE (5771-AGB) Except for Section 68
AFP Korean Object Font V1R1.1 and V1R1.0 for MVS and VSE (5771-AFW)
AFP Traditional Chinese Object Font V1R1.2 and V1R1.1 for MVS and VSE (5771-AFZ)
AFP Simplified Chinese Object Font V1R1.1 and V1R1.0 for MVS and VSE (5771-AEK)
AFP Thai Object Font V1R1.1 and V1R1.0 for MVS and VSE (5771-AEN)
These fonts are only available in raster form at 240 pel
Note: Though AFP Japanese Font 5771-AGB consists of 23 sizes of DBCS fonts and 20 sizes of SBCS fonts, the SBCS fonts are NOT
available in this resident raster font set.
EBCDIC Attachment Language Support
The language and associated code page support below is based on the current SAA Core Interchange Resident Code Page Support
and 4028 Compatibility Resident Code Page Set. Only EBCDIC code pages are listed.
Language Code Page Character Set
-------- --------- -------------
APL (4028) CP310 963
APL (Exp. Core) CP293 380
Arabic Bilingual CP420 235
- GML List Symbols CP1039 1258
Austrian/German CP273 (1141@) 697 (695@)
- Publishing CP382 1145
- Alternate (4028) CP286 317
Belgian CP274 697
- Publishing CP383 1145
Brazilian CP275 697
Brazilian Portuguese CP037 (1140@) 697
- Publishing CP384 1145
Canadian French (4028) CP260 341
- Publishing CP385 1145
- DP94 (4028) CP276 277
Cyrillic/Multilingual CP880 960
- Primary CP1025 1150
- GML List Symbols CP1039 1258
Danish/Norwegian CP277 (1142@) 697 (695@)
- Publishing CP386 1145
- Alternate (4028) CP287 321
Dutch CP037 697
English (UK) CP285 (1146@) 697 (695@)
- Publishing CP394 1145
Finnish/Swedish CP278 (1143@) 697 (695@)
- Publishing CP387 1145
- Alternate (4028) CP288 325
French CP297 (1147@) 697 (695@)
- Publishing CP388 1145
http://gsmserv.boulder.ibm.com/cd/usmhw/M2785$01.htm (20 of 47)5/25/2005 7:01:07 AM