IBM 2X16 Switch User Manual

Last updated October 2005 15
Q. Where can I find the Firmware Update?
A. Go to and click on Downloads and drivers. Search on the product name to access the firmware
upgrade file. After the download is complete, navigate to the drive where you have saved the firmware update and unzip the file.
GCM2, GCM4, and LCM2
Q. What do I need in order to take advantage of the Virtual Media features?
A. Virtual media is supported on IBM GCM2, GCM4, and LCM2 KVM Appliances. To take advantage of the virtual media feature:
The computer must be connected to the GCM2, GCM4, or LCM2 appliance with a VCO cable.
The computer must be able to use the types of USB2-compatible media that you require in a stand-alone environment. (If the
computer does not support a portable composite USB memory device, you cannot map it as a virtual media drive.)
The user or user group must have permission to establish virtual media sessions and/or reserved virtual media sessions to the
target device.
The virtual media feature allows the user on the client workstation to map local physical drives, ISO or floppy image files as virtual
drives on a target device. You can have one virtual CD drive and one virtual mass storage device mapped concurrently. A CD drive or
disk image file (ISO CD image file) is mapped as a virtual CD drive. A floppy drive (or floppy image file), USB memory device or other
media type is mapped as a virtual mass storage device.
Q. Will the new 3.0 version of the VCS software work with my existing RCM’s too?
A. Yes, IBM Virtual Console Software version 3.0 is backwards compatible.
Q. Will the GCM2, GCM4, or LCM2, support the existing cables I use with my RCM and LCM?
A. Yes, the GCM2, GCM4, and LCM2 support the UCO and KCO with the addition of the VCO (Virtual Media Conversion Option).
The VCO is not supported by the RCM.
Q. How many concurrent users will the GCM2, GCM4, or LCM2 support?
A. GCM2 – 3 concurrent users--2 remote users via VCS and 1 local user.
GCM4 – 4 concurrent users--3 remote users via VCS and 1 local user or 4 remote users via VCS.
LCM2 – 2 concurrent users--local only.
Q. What are the differences between and LCM and an LCM2?
A. The LCM2 supports all the same functions that the LCM supports with the addition of an addition local user port, support for local
USB Keyboard and Mouse, and support for Virtual Media.
Q. What are the differences between the GCM2, GCM4, and the RCM?
A. The GCM2 and GCM4 support all the same functionality of the RCM with the addition of 4 remote users (GCM4), Local USB
Keyboard and Mouse, and support for Virtual Media.
Q. What are some of the differences between the current version of VCS and the new 3.0 version?
A. Some of the key differences are:
Remote Virtual Media
Additional Session Types such as Stealth mode and Share mode.
New Connections Status Indicators.
New Session Options Tab
For details information on these features and more, please see the IBM Virtual Console Software Installation and User Guide.