Selects the specified character set.
00 Modified IBM code page 437 (U.S./European, power-on default)
01 Modified IBM code page 897 (Katakana)
02 Modified IBM code page 858 (Multilingual International)
03 Modified IBM code page 852 (Central Europe)
04 Modified IBM code page 855 (Cyrillic)
05 Modified IBM code page 857 (Turkey)
06 Modified IBM code page 862 (Israel)
07 Modified IBM code page 863 (Canadian French)
08 Modified IBM code page 864 (Arabic)
09 Modified IBM code page 865 (Nordic)
0A Modified IBM code page 808 (Cyrillic - Russia)
0B Modified IBM code page 869 (Greece)
This example selects the U.S./European character set:
02 00
User character definition (03) <EXT>
03 nn
Defines a custom character.
Logic Controls Emulation Mode
The byte that follows the command byte contains an ASCII
character between X'20' and X'7F' of a keyboard key to be
redefined. This byte is followed by five bytes defining the bit
patterns of the user-defined character. Logic Controls Emulation
Mode allows only one keyboard key to be redefined. This means
that there is only one user-definable character in this mode. Once a
key is redefined, any occurrence of that character on the display
will change to the user-defined character. If a new key is redefined,
the previously redefined key is restored to the original character in
all places on the display and the newly redefined key is changed to
the user-definable character. Table A-1 on page A-3 shows the
format of these five bytes.
A hyphen character in the table indicates a do-not-care bit.
The other values relate to the character pixel positions
shown in the diagram following the table. A value of 1 in the
data stream indicates that the related pixel position is ON; a
0 indicates that it is OFF.
Input/output device commands
A-2 SurePOS Installation and Service