IBM GC28-1920-01 Server User Manual

OpenEdition MVS, a string that is used to identify a
user profile. A description of a RACF-defined user
that includes the user ID, user name, default group
name, password, profile owner, user attributes, and
other information. A user profile can include information
for subsystems such as TSO and DFP. See
DFP segment
verification. See
user identification and verification
VERIFY request. The issuing of the RACROUTE
macro with REQUEST=VERIFY specified. A VERIFY
request is used to verify the authority of a user to enter
work into the system. The VERIFY request replaces
the RACINIT function.
VERIFYX request. The issuing of the RACROUTE
macro with REQUEST=VERIFYX specified. A
VERIFYX request verifies a user and builds a UTOKEN,
and handles the propagation of submitter ID.
VM. A licensed program that controls “virtual
machines” and runs on two main command languages,
CP and CMS. Can be VM/SP, VM/HPO, VM/XA, or
workspace data sets. VSAM data sets used by RACF
for queuing requests sent to and received from target
nodes in an RRSF environment.
72 OS/390 V1R2.0 Security Server (RACF) Planning: Installation and Migration