User manual
Issue 0.2 Page 40 07/2002
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
u8 V24PutChar(u8 c) // simple PutChar via V24
if (IS_SCI_TX_FREE) // Tx register free ?
TDR = c; // yes, put data in tx register
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
u8 V24Write(u8 *s) // simple Write(string) via V24
while (*s != 0) // while not end of string
if (V24PutChar(*s) == TRUE) s++; // PutChar
return TRUE;
u8 V24WriteLn(u8 *s) // simple WriteLine (string + CR/LF)
u8 ret = FALSE;
ret = V24Write(s);
ret |= V24Write("\n\r");
return ret;
void ShowUse(void) // simple menu
V24WriteLn("-1- Line 1");
V24WriteLn("-2- Line 2");
V24Write("make your choise :");
void main(void)
char c;
V24Init(9600); // init sci with 9600Baud, 8N1
ShowUse(); // display start msg
while(1) // loop ...
if (V24GetChar(&c)==TRUE)
if (c=='1')
V24WriteLn("\n\n\rGreat! This was '1'");
else if (c=='2')
V24WriteLn("\n\n\rSuper! '2'");
V24WriteLn("\n\n\rSorry! Only '1' or '2' are supported!");