A. Appendix
Symbol and character sets
For the HP LaserJet, IBM Proprinter XL, and EPSON FX-850 emulation modes, you can choose the symbol
and character sets using a web browser or the Remote Printer Console software.
How to use the web browser
To use the web browser, follow the steps below.
a Enter [http://printer’s IP address/] into your browser.
For example: [] (if the printer’s IP address is
b Click Printer Settings.
c Enter a user name and a password. The default User Name is [admin] and the default Password is
d Click OK.
e Choose the HP LaserJet, IBM Proprinter XL or EPSON FX-850 tab and click Font Setup. Choose a
symbol set you want to use from the Symbol Set list box.
How to use the Remote Printer Console
To use the Remote Printer Console software, follow the steps below.
For Windows
a Put the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive and close the opening screen when it appears.
b Open Windows
Explorer and choose the CD-ROM drive.
c Double-click the RPC folder.
d See the RPC_User’s_Guide.pdf for how to install and use the Remote Printer Console.
For Macintosh
a Put the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Double-click the HL5200 icon on the desktop.
b Double-click the RPC folder.
c See the RPC_User’s_Guide.pdf for how to install and use the Remote Printer Console.