Workhorse 2-socket dual and quad-core
Intel Xeon blade server
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level tasks remotely that would otherwise require a visit to each system. These tasks may
include such things as formatting a hard disk drive, updating system firmware, or deploying a
Windows or Linux operating system.
Real Time Diagnostics allows an administrator to perform remote diagnostics on any blade
server or any chassis without downtime.
Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) enables the MM/aMM and the BMC to detect impending
failure of supported components (processors; memory; expansion cards; switch, blower and
power supplies; and hard disk drives) as much as 48 hours before actual failure, and alert the
administrator through IBM Director. This gives you the ability to replace the failing component
before it fails, resulting in increased uptime.
IBM Director 5.1x software for advanced workgroup management is included with the server.
IBM Director comes with a portfolio of tools, including Management Processor Assistant, Rack
Manager, RAID Manager, Update Assistant and Software Distribution. System Availability (a no-
charge download) and Capacity Manager (sold separately) are available as add-ons for
additional server management and increased availability. IBM Director provides a single uniform
graphical interface for all of these systems management functions.
IBM Director enables you to customize thresholds and monitor system components (for things
like temperature, voltage regulation, etc.) to help maximize uptime.
Key Options
IBM options for xSeries servers let you take your servers to a
higher level
You can rely on xSeries and blade options to supply a comprehensive solution for your business
needs. Options help you create an optimized server system to meet your data protection,
storage and availability needs. Every IBM option is designed and tested for peak performance
and flexibility, helping to maximize your return on investment. The combination of xSeries
servers and options lets you keep your fingers on the pulse of your e-business.
Processors — The Intel Xeon processor provides high clock rates, 64-bit extensions, a large
cache, Hyper Threading Technology and advanced features for availability and manageability.
Large cache size, combined with an 800MHz system bus speed, reduce memory latency and
facilitate the movement of data through the processor and I/O devices. (Note: System
performance depends not only on the number of processors in the server but also on the power
and functionality of each processor.) Adding a second processor may be a cost-effective way to
achieve significant performance improvements.
Memory — Memory is a significant factor in systems application performance. Adding more
memory to a BladeCenter server is one of the most effective ways to increase application
performance. For best performance in a server with a dual-core processor, there should be
twice as much memory available as for a single-core processor.
Hard Disk Drives — IBM hard disk drives help you improve the transaction and cost
performance of your HS21 servers. The choice of hard disk drives can be a critical aspect of
maximizing the I/O throughput of the system. SAS hard disk drives (2.5-inch) are available for
the HS21 with capacities up to 73.4GB at 10,000 RPMs. Additionally, a Storage and I/O
Expansion Unit can be attached to the HS21 to add up to three additional 2.5-inch SAS drives.
I/O slots — The HS21 supports the addition of a PCI I/O Expansion Unit II, which provides two
front-accessible standard PCI-X slots. Also, the Storage and I/O Expansion Unit provides
two additional adapter slots: either two legacy PCI-X cards or one PCI-X and one PCI-E slot.
(The first PCI-X card added must be a Gigabit Ethernet card.). Adding a 30mm Memory and I/O
Expansion Unit to an HS21 provides a PCI-E slot and a second PCI-X slot.
External Storage — The IBM TotalStorage DS300 offers remote SAN storage using the iSCSI
storage protocol across IP networks. The DS300 scales up to 4.2TB of storage capacity using
standard hot-swap Ultra320 SCSI HDDs in a 14-drive 3U cabinet. Three models offer single or
dual RAID controllers (with each controller supporting two Gigabit Ethernet ports), up to 256MB
or 1GB of cache memory and dual redundant power supplies and fans. For low-cost Fibre
Channel SAN storage, the DS400, when combined with two EXP400 storage enclosures, can
scale up to 12.6TB of hot-swap SCSI storage, incorporating redundant power, cooling and dual
2Gbps Fibre Channel controllers.
Midrange TotalStorage DS4000 products are designed to support the large and growing data-
storage requirements of business-critical applications. Because DS4000 solutions can support
connectivity distances of up to 10km (6.2 miles) at Fibre Channel rates of up to 2Gbps,
companies can more easily configure offsite xSeries servers and storage systems to keep
critical data available around the clock—even in the event of a catastrophe.
These storage servers are designed to provide highly-available Fibre Channel RAID protected
storage that provide the foundation for Storage Area Networks (SANs). DS4500 storage servers
deliver scalability up to 32.8TB of Fibre Channel storage or 56TB of SATA storage (DS4500
only). They provide end-to-end Fibre Channel solutions with high-availability fault-tolerant