40 SBC-658 User Manual
Floppy drive connector (CN12)
You can attach up to two floppy drives to the mainboard control-
ler. You can use any combination of 5¼" (360 KB and 1.2 MB)
and/or 3½" (720 KB, 1.44 MB, and 2.88 MB) drives.
A 34-pin daisy-chain drive connector cable is required for a dual-
drive system. On one end of the cable is a 34-pin flat-cable
connector. On the other end are two sets of floppy disk drive
connectors. Each set consists of a 34-pin flat-cable connector
(usually used for 3½" drives) and a printed-circuit board connec-
tor (usually used for 5¼" drives).
Wire number 1 on the cable is normally red or blue, and the other
wires are usually gray.