16 Voice API for Linux Demo Guide — June 2005
Running the Demos
To run the cbansr demo on a D/41JCT-LS board, specify the following:
/cbansr -d1 -n4 -fAnalog
To run the pansr demo on a D/120JCT-LS board using four channels, specify the following:
/pansr -d1 -n4 -fAnalog
4.3 Using the Demo
The following topics discuss how to run and use the voice demos:
• Using the cbansr demo
• Using the pansr demo
• Using the custserv demo
• Using the dpddemo
• Using the d40demo
4.3.1 Using the cbansr demo
The following procedure describes the activity after starting the cbansr demo:
1. After the demo starts, a screen is displayed with the status of the channels and calls.
2. Dial an extension number configured for one of the voice channels.
3. After the voice prompt, leave a brief message and hang up the telephone. This message is
recorded in messagen.vox file, where n represents the channel number.
4. Redial the same extension.
5. During the voice prompt, enter the 4-digit access code using the telephone keypad. This access
code takes the form n234, where n is the last digit of the voice channel number.
6. The system plays the previously recorded message.
-nN N/A Specifies the number of D/4x channels to use.
Values are: 1 to 12. Example -n4.
-f<value> N/A Specifies the front end interface. Values are: Analog,
T1, and E1. Example: -fAnalog.
Table 1. Voice Demo Options
Demo Option Default Value Description/Value