ERP2U Power Supply Design Guide, V1.0
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6.4 Output Power/Currents
The following tables define the power and current ratings for two recommend power levels. Depending upon the
system design, the power supply modules may have only three outputs (+12V, -12V, and 5VSB) or the full five
outputs (+3.3V, +5V, +12V, -12V, and 5VSB). If only three outputs are provided from the module, the cage shall
have additional DC/DC converters to generate +5V and +3.3V from the +12V provided by the modules. The
combined output power of all outputs from the cage shall not exceed the rated output power. The power
assembly shall meet both static and dynamic voltage regulation requirements over the full load ranges. The
power sub-assembly shall supply redundant power over the full load ranges.
Table 11: 350 W Load Ratings
Voltage Minimum Continuous Maximum Continuous Peak
+3.3 V
0.5 A 20 A
+5 V
2.0 A 20 A
+12V2 (baseboard connector) 0.5 A 12 A 15 A
+12V3 (peripheral connectors) 1.0 A 13 A 15A
-12 V 0 A 0.5 A
+5 VSB 0.1 A 2.0 A
1 Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 350 W.
2 Maximum continuous combined load on +3.3 VDC and +5 VDC outputs shall not exceed 115 W.
3 Maximum Peak total DC output power should not exceed 410 W.
4 Peak power and current loading shall be supported for a minimum of 10 second.
5 Maximum combined current for the 12 V outputs shall be 25 A.
6 Maximum 12V combined peak current shall be 30A.
7 The 3.3V and 5V may be supply by the module or DC/DC converters powered from +12V in the cage.
Table 12: 480 W Load Ratings
Voltage Minimum Continuous Maximum Continuous Peak
+3.3 V
0.5 A 20 A
+5 V
2.0 A 20 A
+12V1 (processor connector) 0.5 A 15 A 18 A
+12V2 (baseboard connector) 1.0 A 12 A
+12V3 (peripheral connectors) 0.5 A 10 A 16 A
-12 V 0 A 0.5 A
+5 VSB 0.1 A 2.0 A
1. Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 480 W.
2. Maximum continuous combined load on +3.3 VDC and +5 VDC outputs shall not exceed 115 W.
3. Maximum Peak total DC output power should not exceed 620 W.
4. Peak power and current loading shall be supported for a minimum of 10 second.
5. Maximum combined current for the 12 V outputs shall be 37 A.
6. Maximum 12V combined peak current shall be 46 A.
7. The 3.3V and 5V may be supply by the module or DC/DC converters powered from +12V in the cage.