42 IB935 User’s Manual
PC Health Status
This section shows the parameters in determining the PC Health Status.
These parameters include temperatures, fan speeds and voltages.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
PC Health Status
Shutdown Temperature
CPU Warning Temperature
Current System Temp. 34°C/93°F
Menu Level >
Current CPU1 Temperature
Current CPU2 Temperature
FAN1 Speed 0 RPM
FAN2 Speed 4400 RPM
FAN3 Speed 0 RPM
Vcore(V) 1.02 V
VIN0 1.32 V
VIN1 3.32 V
VIN3 4.94 V
3.3V 3.32 V
VBAT(V) 3.08 V
5VSB(V) 4.96 V
Smart Fan Temperature
Fan Tolerance Value
Shutdown Temperature
This field allows the user to set the temperature by which the system
automatically shuts down once the threshold temperature is reached.
This function can help prevent damage to the system that is caused by
CPU Warning Temperature
This field allows the user to set the temperature so that when the
temperature is reached, the system sounds a warning. This function can
help prevent damage to the system that is caused by overheating.
Temperatures/Fan Speeds/Voltages
These fields are the parameters of the hardware monitoring function
feature of the board. The values are read-only values as monitored by the
system and show the PC health status.
Smart Fan Temperature
This field enables or disables the smart fan feature. At a certain
temperature, the fan starts turning. Once the temperature drops to a
certain level, it stops turning again.