Intermec PX4I Printer User Manual

50 EasyCoder PX4i User’s Guide (IPL version)
Chapter 6 — Setting Up the Printer
Setup Parameters
Serial Communication
The serial communication parameters control the communication
between the printer and the connected computer or other devices on the
serial port.
Note: The serial communication parameters have no effect on
parallel or EasyLAN communications.
Make sure the printer’s communication parameters match the setup of
the connected device or vice versa. If the setup of the printer and the
setup of the host do not match, the response from the printer to host will
be garbled.
Baud Rate
The baud rate is the transmission speed in bits per second. There are 8
• 1200
• 2400
• 4800
• 9600 (default)
• 19200
• 38400
• 57600
• 115200
Data Bits
Data bits specifi es the number of bits that will defi ne a character.
7 Characters ASCII 000 to 127 decimal
8 Characters ASCII 000 to 255 decimal (default)
The parity decides how the fi rmware will check for transmission errors.
There are four options:
• None (default)
• Even
• Odd
• Space