
All the Models are equipped with the P-Bus feature.
The Models 4020 and 5020 has only an Input Bus, Models 7020 and 9020 and 9020/CINE an IN/OUT Bus.
The P-Bus (Presentation Bus) is a serial asynchronous data transmission interface which uses the RS 232 /
V.24/ V.28 standard. This type of interface is used with Personal Computers for external communication.
The purpose of the bus is to enable computer controlled projection with one or more slide projectors. Up to 16
different EKTAPRO 7020 or 9020 and 9020/CINE projectors can be addressed separately if they are connected
through a daisy chain configuration. The projector addresses can be selected on the PROJECTORS ADDRESS
SELECTOR SWITCH which is located above the P-Bus connectors.
The P-Bus interface configuration is initially set at:
- 1 Start bit
- 8 Data bit
- 1 Stop bit
- 9600 Baud rate
- No Parity
The signal levels must be equal to the RS232 specifications.
The signal lines are only “Transmit Data” and “Receive Data”. Bi-directional lines are not used.
The projector can be controlled by other control signals beside the P-Bus Interface. Details can be found in a
special marketing publication.
The P-Bus is also used as Service Interface for the Diagnostic Software.
figure 3-14
SM 2547-1 Service Manual
Kodak AG, Stuttgart 3-17 03/98