Kodak 9020 Projector User Manual

Mirror Position
In the Service Software TL-4575 there is an option in the menu “Lamp toggle” to check the MIRROR FUNCTION
and change the “lamp on” option. For the correct function in the projector, set the MIRROR to position 1 when
Lamp 1 is active, or reset the projector.
If the MIRROR does not move by the software command, check the resistance of the MIRROR DC MOTOR
(see figure) and measure the 34 VDC voltage on the MASTER PCB if necessary.
Brightness Test
Use the option “Adjust Brightness” from the Service Software TL-4575 to dim the PROJECTOR LAMP. There is
a range from “0" (dark) to ”1000" (bright), in steps of 10 units. With the “Reset” command in the main menu the
original brightness can be reset.
SM 2547-1 Service Manual
Kodak AG, Stuttgart 5-17 03/98