A-61182 October 2001 25
Other tools
In addition to the image enhancement options, the dialog box contains the items
described below.
Shows the current image width. You can enter a custom value in the Width box.
NOTE: If you manually change the width value with Lock scale enabled, the value in
the Height box will automatically change proportionally.
Shows the current image height. You can enter a custom value in the Height box.
NOTE: If you manually change the height value with Lock scale enabled, the value
in the Width box will automatically change proportionally.
Shows the current file size of the scanned image.
Lock scale
Click on the Lock scale button to enable lock scaling, which keeps the scanning width
and height proportional to the paper size selected in the Paper Size setting.
When Lock scale is enabled and you manually change the value in the Width box,
the value in the Height box will automatically change proportionally, and vice versa.
Click on the Information button to access a window that gives you information about
the scanner and driver.