Your server comes with one of the following microprocessors (internal cache size varies by model):
• Intel
quad-core microprocessor
• Intel Xeon dual-core microprocessor
• Intel Core™ i3 microprocessor
For a list of the ThinkServer microprocessor options, go to http://www.lenovo.com/thinkserver. Click the
Products tab and then click Options ➙ ThinkServer Processors to view the information.
Your server supports up to four double data rate 3 unbuffered dual inline memory modules (DDR3 UDIMMs)
with Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) technology.
• Supports 2 GB and 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 UDIMMs
• Single-rank or dual-rank
• Minimum system memory: 2 GB (only one 2 GB memory module installed in the DIMMA2 slot)
• Maximum system memory: 16 GB (one 4 GB memory module installed in each of the four memory slots)
For more information, see “System board components” on page 42 and “Memory module installation
rules” on page 90.
Power supply
Your server comes with one of the following power supply congurations:
• One screw-secured, non-hot-swap 400-watt power supply (80 Plus Bronze Compliant and universal input)
• One or two hot-swap 450-watt redundant power supply modules (80 Plus Gold Compliant and universal
You server comes with the following fans to provide proper system cooling and airow:
• One heat sink and fan assembly
• One or two front system fans depending on the model
• One rear system fan
8 ThinkServer Hardware Maintenance Manual