
Advanced Administration
This screen allows you to E-mail Logs and Alerts. A sample screen is shown below.
Figure 42: E-mail Screen
Data – E-mail Screen
E-Mail Notification
Send Alerts and
Logs Via E-mail
Check this box to enable this feature. If enabled, the E-mail address
information (below) must be provided.
Send to this E-
mail address
Enter the E-mail address the Log is to be sent to. The E-mail will also
show this address as the Sender's address.
Outgoing Mail
Enter the address or IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail Transport
Protocol) Server you use for outgoing E-mail.
E-mail Alerts
Send E-mail alerts
You can choose to have alerts E-mailed to you, by checking the
desired checkboxes. The FBR-1416 can send an immediate alert
when it detects a significant security incident such as
A known hacker attack is directed at your IP address
A computer on the Internet scans your IP address for open ports
Someone on your LAN (Local Area Network) tries to visit a
blocked site.