saving mode when it is idle, but some components of the adapter
is still alive. In this mode, the power consumption is larger than
“Maximum Power-Saving“ mode.
PSP XLink Mode XLink is an infrastructure tunneling program which allows you to play Ad-
hoc PSP multiplayer games through the Internet.
WMM QoS Mode The primary goal of Quality of Service (QoS) is to provide priority
including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency (required by
some real-time and interactive traffic), and improved loss characteristics.
WiFi Multimedia (WMM) adds prioritized QoS capabilities to Wi-Fi
networks and optimizes its performance when multiple concurring
applications, each with different latency and throughput requirements,
compete for network resources.
Fragementation Threshold The value defines the maximum size of packets, any packet size
larger than the value will be fragmented. If you have decreased
this value and experience high packet error rates, you can
increase it again, but it will likely decrease overall network
performance. Select a setting within a range of 256 to 2346 bytes.
Minor change is recommended.
RTS / CTS Threshold Minimum packet size required for an RTS/CTS (Request To
Send/Clear to Send). For packets smaller than this threshold, an
RTS/CTS is not sent and the packet is transmitted directly to the
WLAN. Select a setting within a range of 0 to 2347 bytes. Minor
change is recommended