Printing a document
1 Load the paper in the printer.
2 Send the print job:
For Windows users
a With a document open, click File Print.
b Click Properties, Preferences, Options, or Setup.
c Select the print quality, the number of copies to print, the type of paper to use, and how the pages should
d Click OK to close any printer software dialogs.
e Click OK or Print.
For Macintosh users
a With a document open, choose File > Print.
b From the Printer pop-up menu, choose the printer.
c If necessary, click the disclosure triangle.
d From the print options pop-up menu, choose the print quality, the number of copies to print, the type of
paper to use, and how the pages should print.
e Click Print.
Printing on both sides of the paper (duplexing)
The automatic duplex unit, available only on selected printer models, supports letter- and A4-size paper. If you
purchased a model without automatic duplex, or if you need to print duplex using other paper sizes, then see the
instructions for printing on both sides of the paper (duplexing) manually.
For Windows users
1 With a document open, click File Print.
2 Click Properties, Preferences, Options, or Setup.
3 Click the Advanced tab.
4 From the 2-Sided Printing section, select On from the drop-down menu.
Note: To use the settings defined in the printer, select Use Printer Settings.
5 Select either the Sideflip or Topflip option. Sideflip is the setting most often used.