Installation and
Safety Guidelines
Installing Hardware Accessories
Take care not to uncouple any cable connectors while installing accessory boards,
and be sure the boards you are installing are fully seated into the appropriate
connectors. Re–install the upper card edge bracket after installing new circuit
WARNING: Use grounding straps or other appropriate anti–static safeguards when
handling electronic ciruit boards to prevent damage to electronic components.
The expansion slots are covered by knock–out panels. Carefully pry the knock–out
panel from the case using a blade screwdriver or similiar tool. After prying out the
Knock–out, press your expansion board firmly into the card–edge connector. A
screw is provided to secure the expansion board bracket to the case. Follow the
expansion board manufaturer’s recommendations for set–up.
WindowsR 98 supports Plug & Play
features but WindowsR NT does
not. New boards which are Plug &
Play compatable will be recognized
by WindowsR 98 on power up.
Knock-out panels
We do not offer technical support for third party expansion boards. We also do not
guarantee the compatability between any third–party products and the D4–470. The
D4–470 is a standard PC, however, and can be expected to perform normally with
most PC accessory products.