
. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)
⑤ Log out when done.
Go to globalSAN iSCSI -> Targets, select the relevant target name and click
“Log Off. . . .” and then “Disconnect” on the pop-up window.
* Notes
Because the LG Network Storage Blue-ray drive network connection allows
any logged-in user to use the program, it is important that other users are not
interrupted. For example, in the case that other users are burning data using the
Blue-ray drive, it is recommended to avoid commands that may interfere with the
work, such as “open tray”.
In addition, if data writing/reading on the LG Network Storage is in progress
through the network drive connection, there may be substantial data transfers
within the network and cause difficulty in data transfers through the iSCSI, resulting
in slower and limited writing/reading speed per disk.