2. Select Network USB Card
from the list, and click the Add
3. Highlight Protocol, and click the
Add button.
4. Select Microsoft from the
list of “Manufacturers”
and TCP/IP from the list
of “Network Protocols.”
Click the OK button to
close the Network win-
dow. Windows may start
copying some files or ask
you for your Windows
installation files at this
time. After the files are
copied, Windows may ask
you to restart. Click Ye s
to restart and complete
the installation process.
Chapter 7: Installing Network
Protocols are necessary for computers to be recognized on your network.
Windows 2000 and XP users need to check their Windows User Guides for pro-
tocol installation.
1. From the Start Menu, select Settings and bring up the Control Panel. From
the Control Panel, double-click on the Network icon.
Wireless USB Network Adapter
Figure 7-2
Figure 7-3
Figure 7-4
Instant Wireless
Note: Before adding any network protocols, veri-
fy that the protocol is not already installed. Never
install duplicate protocols.
Installing the Network Protocols for Windows 98 and
Figure 7-1