Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Common Problems and Solutions
Phone Adapter with 2 Ports for Voice-over-IP
9. Check the Enable option for the port services you want to use.
10. When you have completed the configuration, click the Save Settings button.
3. When I’m on a telephone call, words are dropped intermittently.
Go through this checklist until your problem is solved:
• Are you using a wireless router and cordless phone? If so, the router and cordless phone may be using the
same frequency and interfere with each other. Move the cordless phone farther away from the router.
• There may be heavy network activity, particularly if you are running a server or using a file sharing
program. Try to limit network or Internet activity during any Internet telephone call. For example, if you are
running a file sharing program, files may be uploaded in the background even though you are not
downloading any files, so make sure you exit the program before you make an Internet phone call.
• There may not be enough bandwidth available for your Internet phone call. You may want to test your
bandwidth using one of the bandwidth tests available online. If necessary, access your service account at
your Internet phone service provider’s website, and reduce the bandwidth requirements for your service.
For more information, refer to your service provider’s website.
4. My telephone does not ring, and my calls automatically go to voicemail.
Go through this checklist until your problem is solved:
• Make sure the telephone is plugged into the appropriate port, PHONE 1 or PHONE 2. (You should use the
Phone 2 port only if you have more than one Internet telephone service account.)
• Make sure the ringer volume on your telephone is set to an audible level.
• Follow these instructions to reboot your cable or DSL modem, Phone Adapter, and router:
1. Power off your cable or DSL modem by unplugging its power adapter.
2. Power off the router by unplugging its power adapter.
3. Power off the Phone Adapter by unplugging its power adapter.
4. Wait two minutes, and then power on your cable or DSL modem by plugging its power adapter into an
electrical outlet.
5. Wait two minutes, and then power on the router by plugging its power adapter into an electrical
6. Wait five minutes, and then power on the Phone Adapter by plugging its power adapter into an
electrical outlet.
7. Reboot one of your networked computers, and check to see if you have an active Internet connection.
Internet phone 3 69 to 69 UDP (IP address of
Phone Adapter)
Internet phone 4 10000 to 20000 UDP (IP address of
Phone Adapter)
Application Start and End Protocol IP Address Enable