March Products 204 Computer Monitor User Manual

The Refresh Process
Messages to users and the audit trail are only sent during a periodic refresh.
The Refresh process makes a list of all files already in its database, then adds to the list
any files that are currently open in the online. Then it runs through the following process
for each file on the list:
1. It checks to see if a file-specific threshold exists. If not, it compares the file to the
system default thresholds.
2. If any value in the file exceeds a threshold value, a record is stored for the file, and a
warning is posted which causes the file to be highlighted on the Main File menu.
3. If the file has not exceeded any thresholds and at least 1 sample record has been
stored for the file, SirFile performs a simple linear regression to predict when the file
will fill. If the file-full date falls within the number of days of advance warning (as
shown on the File threshold screen), a prediction and a message is posted to the
file. The file will now appear highlighted on the Main File menu and the File Tables
4. If no prediction or warning is posted to the file, SirFile performs a cleanup of any old
warnings, predictions, or messages for the file.
5. If the refresh process is running online, and SirFile encounters a file in its database
that it cannot open — either because it did not get added to its APSY definition, or
because the file is not allocated to the region — the user is prompted for a
12 SirFile User's Guide