March Products 204 Computer Monitor User Manual

File statistics definitions
File statistics definitions
File statistics provide information about each file open in the Online system. Each file
has a specific value for each statistic based on the file's current activity and state within
the Online region. Many of these statistics are viewable on the File Tables screen and
the File Detail screen in SirFile. Others may be viewable only at command level or
through SirMon.
ASIZE Size of table A in number of pages.
ASTRPPG Table A strings per page.
ATRPG Number of attribute pages in Table A.
BACKOUTS Number of backed out update units since the file was opened. The stat
begins incrementing when the file is first opened, and is reset to 0 when
the last user closes it. If the file is reopened the incrementing begins
again from 0 (rate or total).
BADD Fields added to Table B (rate or total).
BCHG Fields changed in place in Table B (rate or total).
BDEL Fields deleted from table B (rate or total).
BFULLP Estimate of the percentage of table B that is full. This statistic is equal to
the table B highest active page (BHIGHPG) divided by the total number
of table B pages (BSIZE).
BHIGHPG The current table B high water mark. Same as the Model204 BHIGHPG
BLOWPG The lowest active table B page. Same as the Model204 BLOWPG
BQLEN The number of pages in the table B reuse queue. Same as the
Model204 BQLEN parameter.
BRECPPG Maximum number of records per Table B page.
BRESERVE The amount of space in bytes on a Table B page on which new records
cannot be started. The space is reserved for the expansion of existing
records on the Table B page.
SirFile User's Guide 37