March Products 204 Computer Monitor User Manual

File statistics definitions
MODPAGF Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by
modified FCT pages from the database file. These pages must be
written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
MODPAGL Total number of pages in the disk buffer pool currently occupied by
modified table E pages from the database file. These pages must be
written to disk before they can be flushed from the buffer pool.
MSTRADD Number of records added to table B. Same as the Model204 MSTRADD
parameter (rate or total).
MSTRDEL Number of records physically deleted from table B. Same as the
Model204 MSTRDEL parameter (rate or total).
MVFPG Number of Table A pages used for storing the values from "many
valued" coded fields.
NDPU The current number of table D pages in use. Same as the Model204
DPGSUSED parameter.
NPTA Size of table A in pages. Same as ASIZE.
NPTB Size of table B in pages. Same as BSIZE.
NPTC Size of table C in pages. Same as CSIZE
NPTD Size of table D in pages. Same as DSIZE.
NPTE Size of table E in pages. Same as ESIZE.
NPTF Size of FCT in pages.
NRECEXT Number of extension records currently in table B.
NRECMAS Number of master records currently in table B.
NRECOVF Number of records currently in overflow areas in table B.
NRECSPL Number of records currently in spill areas in table B.
NREQ Current number of active transactions which reference the file.
NUPD Current number of active transactions which update the file.
OIDEPTH Number of Ordered Index B-tree levels (depth of the B-tree).
OILEAFP Percentage of ordered index leaf pages that contain data. OILEAFP =
100 * (OINBYTS / OILEAVS) / PAGESZ. In general, the higher this
SirFile User's Guide 43