Maxtor NAS 3000 Network Router User Manual

3. Click on your new folder. It is currently not shared. To grant access, click on
either the SMB or NFS box. Verify the share name, and click Apply. You now
have a new share.
6.4 Creating Access Rights and Security
1. Select a share and click on the User Access tab. By default, all new shares are
given Read/Write status to the group AnyOne. To restrict access, this must be
changed to None or Read Only. Click one or the other and click Apply.
2. To grant rights to a user or group, highlight the user or group and select the
access rights. Then, click Apply. You are done.
3. To create more users/groups, make shares or change rights, follow the above
6.5 Notifying Users of the New Folders/Shares
1. Users can see the MaxAttach icon on their Network Neighborhood or Windows
2. Notify them of their workgroup name and the location of their folders/shares.
3. When they click on the MaxAttach icon, their folders/shares will appear.
6.6 Manage Disk – Two Disk Drives
If your unit has two disk drives, MaxAttach has a default disk management
feature in which the unit behaves as One Large Disk (spanned disks). You can
leave this default setting or you may select the alternate configurations of:
• Two Individual Disks or
• One Active Disk, One Backup (Mirroring)
If you select one of these, you must click on the Apply button to apply the
change. You may also select the Reformat tab to reformat a disk. If the unit
has two disks, each disk must be reformatted separately.