sim 3 remote startup Guide
3. Power up the SIM 3 machine and immediately insert the Software CD (See page 4) into the CD drive of the SIM 3
machine. This must be done the moment the SIM 3 is turned on.
If the SIM 3 boots up as usual then the CD was introduced too late. This is not a problem. Just power down the SIM 3
down (by holding the power button) without removing the CD. The next time it powers up it will automatically boot from
the CD drive.
The SIM 3 machine will boot and present a terminal window in the upper left corner of the display (if a monitor is
attached to the SIM 3 machine).
4. Verifythecomputer’sassignedIPaddressandmakesureitisinthesamerangeastheSIM3machinee.g.
192.168.1.xxx. xxx should be a value between 210 and 219 if the router settings conform to what was specified.
IP address configuration can be verified the following way:
OS X users use spotlight to find application X11, after opening X11 type the command ifconfig.
Windows users open a Command Prompt window and type ipconfig.
If this test does not show an address in the correct range check the following: (See pages 4-6)
1. The Router is handing out DHCP addresses in the correct range
2. Yourclientcomputerisconnectedwirelesslyorwithacabletothecorrectrouter
3. YourclientcomputerissettoobtainitsIPaddressviaDHCP.