Micro Star Computer MS- 9130 v1.x Computer Hardware User Manual

BIOS Setup
If you select Manual, related information is asked to be entered to the following
items. Enter the information directly from the keyboard. This information
should be provided in the documentation from your hard disk vendor or the
system manufacturer.
Access Mode The settings are CHS, LBA, Large, Auto.
Capacity The formatted size of the storage device.
Cylinder Number of cylinders.
Head Number of heads.
Precomp Write precompensation.
Landing Zone Cylinder location of the landing zone.
Sector Number of sectors.
Drive A
This item allows you to set the type of floppy drives installed. Available
options: None, 360K, 5.25 in., 1.2M, 5.25 in., 720K, 3.5 in., 1.44M, 3.5 in., 2.
88M, 3.5 in.
Halt On
The setting determines whether the system will stop if an error is detected at
boot. Available options are:
All Errors The system stops when any error is detected.
Disabled The system doesn’t stop for any detected error.
All, But Keyboard The system doesn’t stop for a keyboard error.
All, But Diskette The system doesn’t stop for a disk error.
All, But Disk/Key The system doesn’t stop for either a disk or a
keyboard error.
Base/Extended/Total Memory
The three items show the memory status of your system (read only).