Moxa Technologies 1100 Computer Hardware User Manual

UPort 1100 Series User’s Manual Installation and Configuration
Step 3: Click on the “Explore” button in the ActiveSync window, and then copy the
UP1100_COM_v1.0_Setup.CAB (For WinCE 6.0) or UP1100_COM_v1.1_Setup.CAB
(For WinCE 5.0) file to the Mobile/Target Device.
Step 4: Double click on the CAB file to start installing the UPort 1100 series WinCE driver.
After installing the driver, plug the UPort 1100 series device into the USB port of the
WinCE Device. The driver will be loaded automatically. At this point, the UPort 1100
series is ready to use.
Removing the Moxa WinCE 5.0 / CE 6.0 Driver
Step 1: Enter Control Panel Æ Remove Programs.
Step 2: Select MOXA UPort 1110/1130/1150 Windows CE6 Driver Ver1.0
(For WinCE 6.0)
MOXA UPort 1110/1130/1150 Windows CE5 Driver Ver1.1
(For WinCE 5.0)
Step 3: Click Remove.
Step 4: Interface configuration
On the target device, go to Start Æ Programs Æ MOXA UP Configuration
Panel\UPort Configuration Utility to find the configuration tool.