Modbus Settings
Setting Value Notes
Modbus RTU Slave
Modbus ASCII Slave
Modbus RTU Master
Attached Serial Device type
Modbus ASCII Master
Set the Modbus type of the
serial device attached to
NPort 6110’s serial port.
Initial delay time
100 to 3276 ms;
default = 100 ms
NPort Modbus Gateway
provides this setting for
those PLCs that need a
longer time for their
system to be initialized.
Modbus/TCP Slave device setting
Remote Modbus Slave IP
IP address assigned to
the remote Modbus
slave device.
Valid when the attached
serial device is a Modbus
TCP Port No.
default = 502
Set this value to 0 (zero) to
disable the corresponding
Modbus/TCP slave device.
ID No. Range
1 to 247
The unique Modbus ID
number assigned to the
Modbus device.
Additional Information
When the serial Modbus device is running in Modbus/RTU Slave mode, the
NPort Modbus Gateway is ready to connect automatically to Modbus/TCP
Master devices. Up to 7 Modbus/TCP master devices can connect to one
serial Modbus slave device.
2. Modbus ASCII Slave mode works the same as Modbus/RTU slave mode,
except that the data format is Modbus/ASCII.
3. When the serial Modbus device is running in Modbus/RTU Master mode, the
NPort Modbus Gateway is ready to connect automatically to Modbus/TCP
slave devices. You will also need to configure the IP address for up to 4
Modbus/TCP slave devices that can be connected to over the Ethernet