MultiModemBA User Guide
Command Values Description
Bn n = 0 or 1 * B0 selects V.21 answer tone.
B1 selects Bell answer tone.
&Bn n = 0 or 1 * &B0 means normal transmit buffer size.
&B1 means reduced transmit buffer size.
&BSn n = 0 or 1 &BS0 means maximum transmit block size of 64
* &BS1 means maximum transmit block size of 256
$BAn n = 0 or 1 * $BA0 means speed conversion is on.
$BA1 means speed conversion is off.
&Cn n = 0,1,2,4 &C0 forces Carrier Detect on.
* &C1 lets Carrier Detect act normally.
&C2 lets Carrier Detect drop S24 time on
&C4 resets modem when Carrier Detect drops.
&CDn n = 0 or 1 * &CD0 execute cleardown on disconnect.
&CD1 do not execute cleardown on disconnect.
Ds s = phone # Dial a telephone number “s,” where s may include
up to 60 digits or T, P, R, comma and ; characters.
DsNd s = phone # Store telephone number. To store, phone d = 0 thru
9 number ”s“ is entered and followed by N and then
Directory Number “d.”
&Dn n = 0 thru 3 ** &D0 DTR is ignored
&D1 means modem returns to command mode.
* &D2 lets modem react to DTR normally.
&D3 causes modem to reset to modem default
%DFn (2834 only) n = 0 or 1 * %DF0 Line Probe Data in Graph Format.
%DF1 Line Probe Data in Table Format.
%DPn (2834 only) n = 0 or 1 * %DP0 do not read Line Probe Information from DSP
during handshaking.
%DP1 read Line Probe Information from DSP during
$Dn n = 0 or 1 * $D0 disables DTR Dialing.
$D1 enables DTR Dialing.
En n = 0 or 1 E0 means do not echo Command Mode Character.
* E1 means do echo Command Mode characters.
* Factory Default Setting
** Factory Default Setting for BA-Mac