Multitech MT2834BAI Modem User Manual

Chapter 5 - Command Mode
5.4.3 Phone Number Memory Commands
Storing Phone Numbers D...N
A telephone number and command line of up to sixty characters may be stored in the modem’s
number memory. As many as ten of these numbers may be stored. Each number will be given a
name, using the codes N0, N1, N2 up to N9.
A phone number is stored by entering ATD, then the number as it would be dialed, along with any P,
T, R, ; or comma characters, and then entering N followed by the number’s “name,” which would be
any number from 0 through 9, and then hitting RETURN.
For example, the tone-dialed number 1-612-631-3550 would be stored as number N3 by entering
ATDT16126313550N3 and RETURN. The number is not dialed with this store command. After
storing a number, check to see that it has been stored correctly by typing ATL and hitting RETURN.
When phone numbers are stored, the entire command line is also stored so that you can effectively
create a macro for each number. For example, if you know a particular number needs to have
extended result codes, detect busy or dial tone, error correction, Xon/Xoff flow control, pacing, and
data compression enabled, the command line would be:
ATX4&E1&E5&E13&E15DT16126313550N3. This would store the entire command at location N3.
Number Linking NN
You may command the modem to dial another number automatically if the first number dialed is
busy. This would be useful in a situation where a computer can be accessed through more than one
phone number. This is called “linking”.
To link the number in N1 to the number N2, simply enter ATN1N2 and hit RETURN. Several numbers
can be linked in the same command. For example, you could link N1 to N2 to N3 to N4 by entering
ATN1N2N3N4 and RETURN or you could link N1 to N2 and back to N1 and then back to N2 by
entering ATN1N2N1N2 and RETURN.
The only limit on the number of numbers that can be linked is the 60 characters allowed in a
command line. Number linking can not be used with blind dialing, since busy signals would not be
detected. You would have to select the Wait-for-Dial tone dialing method using the X Command in
order to use the Number Linking feature.
Listing Numbers Stored in Memory L
Telephone numbers that you have stored in the modem’s memory may be listed and displayed with
the L command. It will display all ten stored N numbers in a format like that shown below. All digits
and command letters will be shown. The number’s “name” (0 thru 9) is shown first, followed by the
complete dialing command and telephone number as originally entered.
Simply enter ATL and hit RETURN to display these numbers on your video screen or printer. An
example of an L command listing is shown below:
0 DT14082345678
1 DT16125551212;
2 DP9,T14089876543
3 DT3738315,12101,16126313550
4 DT6313551R
6 DP9,4258513
8 DTX4&E1&E5&E13&E15DT16126313550
9 DT12138880123