Multitech MT5600BAV.92 Modem User Manual

Chapter 3 - Using the Front Panel
MT5600BA/BL Series User Guide
Advanced Options
RS232 OPTIONS. The following screens are used to configure the RS-232 interface.
DTR OPTIONS. Use the à and Enter buttons to select how the
modem responds to the high to low transition of the DTR signal
sent by the computer. DTR NORMAL causes the modem to
hang up; IGNORE DTR allows operation with computers that
do not provide DTR; and RESET ON DTR â causes the modem
to perform a soft reset as if the Z command were received. Same as
the &D0, &D2, and &D3 commands.
CARRIER DETECT OPTIONS. Use the à and Enter buttons
to select whether CD will be forced high (CD FORCED ON) or
whether it will go high when the remote modems carrier signal
is detected, and go low when the carrier signal is not detected
(CD NORMAL). Same as the &C0 and &C1 commands. When
using callback security on UNIX systems, select CD LOW IN
CB to force CD low until the proper callback security password
has been entered or until a disconnect occurs. This prevents the
UNIX login prompt from being displayed before the callback
security ENTER PASSWORD prompt appears. Select CD NOR-
MAL IN CB to disable this feature. Same as the &C5 and &C4
CTS OPTIONS. Use the à and Enter buttons to select whether
the CTS state will follow the RTS state when on line (CTS
NORM) or whether CTS will always be high (CTS ON). Same
as the &R0 and &R1 commands.
DIALBACKUP/LL OPTIONS. The following screens are used to configure dial
backup for four-wire leased line operation. For more information, see Chapter 4,
Leased Line Operation.
DIAL BACKUP NUMBER. Use to enter a dial backup number.
To scroll through a list of digits and characters, press the á
and â buttons. To go to the next position, press the à button.
To back up or to exit without saving, press the à button several
times. To save the number, press the Enter button. Note: Only 16
characters can be displayed at a time. To see characters 1730,
press the â button. To go to the previous screen, press the ß but-
ton. To go to the next screen, press the à button.
TIME TO RESTORE (S15). Sets how frequently leased line
restoral attempts occur when the modems are in dial backup
mode. The restore time interval can be set from 10 to 255 min-
utes in one minute increments. A value of 0 disables dial back-
up. Same as the S15= command.
DIALBACKUP TIME (S17). Use to set how long the modem
waits after a leased line failure before it attempts a dial backup
connection. The timer can be set from 1 to 255 minutes in one
minute increments. Same as the S17= command.