Multi-Tech Systems DT101/xx Fax Machine User Manual

DataTalker Owner’s Manual
Data Port Configuration
1 - Async/Sync: Sync
2 - Speed: 19200
3 - Clocking: Internal
4 - Idle Condition: Flags
5 - NRZ/NRZI Encoding: NRZ
6 - CRC Preset: All 1s
7 - Inter-frame Timer: Off
S -
Store All Configuations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Press P to return to the Data Port Configuration menu, enter S to store all configurations, and
then press P again to return to the previous menu. At the Configurations menu, enter 2 and press
The Voice/Fax Channel 1 Configuration menu is displayed. For LAN 1, set voice/fax channel 1 for
an FXO connection as the local interface type (option 6), and keep the default FXS as the remote
interface type (option 11). LAN 2 must be set just the opposite (FXS for the local interface and
FXO for the remote interface). For the other selections, accept the defaults .
Voice/Fax Channel 1 Configuration
1 - Destination Channel : 1
2 - Digitizing Rate : 9600
3 - Output Level Atten. : 12
4 - Input Level Gain : 03
5 - Silence Suppression : Off
6 - Local Interface Type : FXS
7 - Ground/Loop Start (FXS) : Loop
8 - 2 or 4 Wire (E&M) : N/A
9 - Dialtone/Wink (E&M) : N/A
10 - Wink Timer (E&M) : N/A
11 - Remote Interface Type : FXS
12 - Ground/Loop Start (FXS) : Loop
13 - 2 or 4 Wire (E&M) : N/A
14 - Dialtone/Wink (E&M) : N/A
S - Store All Configurations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Enter S and press ENTER to store all configurations for LAN 1.
Set up LAN 2 in the same manner, but switch the local and remote interface types (FXS for the
local interface and FXO for the remote interface). When you have finished selecting the LAN 2
options, enter S to store all configuration. Enter P to return to the Configurations menu.
At the Configurations menu, enter 3 and press ENTER to display the composite link configuration