Multi-Tech Systems MT5600BL Modem User Manual

4 AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Command: -SDR=
Distinctive Ring Control
Values: 07
Default: 0
Description: This command enables or disables detection and reporting of
distinctive ring. One, two, or three distinctive ring types can be
simultaneously enabled depending upon the value of n. The
detected ring type is reported in the verbose result code by ap-
pending the ring type number to the end of the RING message.
-SDR=0 Disables distinctive ring. Any valid ring detected is reported as
-SDR=1 Enables distinctive ring type 1.
-SDR=2 Enables distinctive ring type 2.
-SDR=3 Enables distinctive ring types 1 and 2.
-SDR=4 Enables distinctive ring type 3.
-SDR=5 Enables distinctive ring types 1 and 3.
-SDR=6 Enables distinctive ring types 2 and 3.
-SDR=7 Enables distinctive ring types 1, 2, and 3.
The supported ring types and ring cadence detection criteria
are shown in the following table:
ring type
Ring cadence detection criteria
2.0 sec. on, 4.0 sec. off
0.8 sec. on, 0.4 sec. off, 0.8 sec. on, 0.4 sec. off
0.4 sec. on, 0.2 sec. off, 0.4 sec. on, 0.2 sec. off, 0.8 sec. on, 0.4 sec. off
Command: **
Flash Memory Download
Values: n = 0, 1, or 2
Description: **0 Initiate download to flash memory at the last sensed speed.
**1 Initiate download to flash memory at 38.4K bps.
**2 Initiate download to flash memory at 57.6K bps.
Command: #CBN
Store Callback Number
Values: y = 0130
x = dialing string
Default: None
Description: Stores dialing string x in memory location y. The dialing string
can include the digits 0 through 9 and any of the following
characters: #, *, comma (,), semicolon (;), W, A, B, C, and D. Up
to 30 characters can be used. Example:
Command: #CBP
Store Callback Password
Values: y = 0130
x = password (610 characters)
Default: None
Description: Stores callback security password x in memory location y. The
password must have 6 to 10 characters. Example: