Chapter 7 – Voice Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. SocketModem MT5600SMI Developer’s Guide 107
Command: +VLS Analog Source/Destination Selection
Description: This command causes the modem to select one or more source/destinations
of the analog data.
Syntax: +VLS=<label>
Defined Values: <label> Decimal number corresponding to the selected analog
source/destination hardware configuration (see Table 6-5).
Response: <label>
Example: 0 For the default setting.
Reporting Supported Range of Parameter Values:
Command: +VLS=?
Response: <label>,<devices>,<transmit event>,<receive event>,<idle event>
Where each event subparameter is a hex number the represents an event bit
field of the reporting capabilities of each state. (See Table 6-6):
<label> Identifies the modem analog source/destination hardware
<devices> A <string constant> made up of Primitives,
<xxxx event> <transmit event>, <receive event>, and <idle
event>subparameters are the DCE event reporting capabilities for the Voice
Transmit State, Voice Receive State, and the Voice Command State,
respectively. Each of the event reporting subparameters is a hex number that
represents an event bit field. The hex number format is defined in Table 6-6);
a one in the bit field indicates that the DCE can report the associated event.
Each of the possible hardware configurations has its own <label>, ..., <idle
event> description line (the above form description shows just one). A
<CR><LF> terminates each description line.
Example: AT+VLS=?
8,"S1",00800300, 04E00100,20800100
Result Codes: OK <label> = 0-5,8-9,11,14,18-19.
ERROR The <label> value is out of range, or if the modem cannot service the
request in the <label> subparameter.
Table 7-5. +VLS Command Options
Label Primitives Description +VTX +VRX +VSP=1
0 None DCE on-hook. Local phone connected to the line.
1 T DCE off-hook. DCE connected to the line. Local phone
provided with power to detect hook condition.
2 L DCE on-hook. Local phone connected to the DCE. X X
3 LT DCE off-hook. Local phone connected to the line. DCE
connected to the line.
4 S Internal Speaker connected to the DCE. DCE on-hook.
Local phone connected to the line.
5 ST Internal Speaker connected to the line. DCE off-hook. DCE
connected to the line. Local phone provided with power to
detect hook condition.
6 M Internal Microphone connected to the DCE. DCE on-hook.
Local phone connected to the line.
7 MST Internal Microphone and Internal Speaker connected to the
line. DCE off-hook. DCE connected to the line. Local phone
provided with power to detect hook condition.
8 S1 External Speaker connected to the DCE. DCE on-hook. X