Multi-Tech Systems MVP3010 Scanner User Manual

Operation and Maintenance MultiVOIP User Guide
Call Progress Details: Field Definitions (cont’d)
Field Name Values Description
Supplementary Services
Caller ID There are four
“Calling Party
+ identifier”;
Party +
“Busy Party
+ identifier”;
Party +
This field shows the identifier and
status of a remote voip (which has
Call Name Identification enabled)
with which this voip unit is
currently engaged in some voip
transmission. The status of the
engagement (Connected, Alerting,
Busy, or Calling) is followed by
the identifier of a specific channel
of a remote voip unit. This
identifier comes from the “Caller
Id” field in the Supplementary
Services screen of the remote
voip unit.
Status hangup, active Shows condition of current call.
Call Control
Tun, FS + Tun,
AE, Mux
Displays the H.323 version 4
features in use for the selected
call. These include tunneling
(Tun), Fast Start with tunneling
(FS + Tun), Annex E multiplexed
UDP call signalling transport
(AE), and Q.931 Multiplexing
(Mux). See Phonebook
Configuration Parameters (in T1
or E1 chapters) for more on
H.323v4 features.