NEC MT 1020 Projector User Manual

Command Codes (continued)
No. Function Code Data Description
34 Image mode Doc Cam 1DH No
35 Image mode Normal 1EH No
36 Image mode Natural 1FH No
37 Power Management On 15H No
38 Power Management Off 16H No
39 Digital Zoom W 89H No Same as remote
40 Digital Zoom T 8AH No Same as remote
41 Brightness 60H Yes 0 to 63
42 Contrast 62H Yes 0 to 63
43 Color 64H Yes 0 to 63
44 Tint 66H Yes -32 to +31(E0 to 1F)
45 Sharpness 68H Yes 0 to 3
46 Audio Volume 6AH Yes 0 to 63
47 Picture Adj 70H Yes*
MT1020: FFE0H to 001FH (-32 to +31) / MT820: 768 to 1279 (2 byte Code)
48 Fine Picture 6EH Yes MT1020: 0 to 127 / MT820: 0 to 31
49 H Position 72H Yes MT1020: -128 to +127 (80 to 7F) / MT820: -64 to +63 (C0 to 3F)
50 V Position 74H Yes MT1020: -64 to +63 (C0 to 3F) / MT820: -32 to +31 (E0 to 1F)
51 Lamp Reset 27H No
52 Language Select 3DH Yes 00:English, 01:German, 02:French, 03:Italian, 04:Spanish, 05:Swedish
These commands are subject to change without notice.
*(Low-order data) (High-order data) CSUM
CSUM = Checksum is a low-order digit of the sum from the Code to the immediately
preceding data.