Preamble Mode The
Long mode is set for 144 bits. The Short mode is set for 72 bits.
This is the packet length used for fragmentation. Packets larger than the size
programmed in this field will be fragmented. The Fragment Threshold value
must be larger than RTS Threshold value. The default value for Fragment
Threshold is 2346.
The packet size that the wireless node uses to determine if it should use the
CSMA/CD mechanism or the CSMA/CA mechanism for packet transmission.
With the CSMA/CD transmission mechanism, the transmitting station sends
out the actual packet as soon as it has waited for the silence period. With
the CSMA/CA transmission mechanism, the transmitting station sends out a
RTS packet to the receiving station, waits for the receiving station to send
back a CTS packet before sending the actual packet data.
Version The Version screen shows the release information of the wireless LAN
configuration utility software and the wireless nodes firmware.