NETGEAR XM128 ISDN Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
AT Command Set Reference C-5
DAs Dial s (number and options) that follows for the analog adapter, PHONE 1.
DBs Dial s (number and options) that follows for the analog adapter, PHONE 2.
DIs Dial s (number and options) that follows for ISDN data call.
DL Repeat last ATD command.
User enters DNs (USA switches)
First phone number (m=seven-digit phone number for North American
DN1= Second phone number (m=seven-digit phone number for North American
DSn n=0-39 Dial number stored in nonvolatile RAM at location n. Use a plus sign (+) to dial
two consecutive numbers for bundling or MPPP calls. See also S-register
44.3. For a description of Extended S-registers, refer to Table D-4 on page D-5
in Appendix D, “Status Registers and Result Codes."
En Command mode local echo of keyboard commands. See also S-register 23.0.
For a description of Extended S-registers, refer to Table D-4 on page D-5 in
Appendix D, “Status Registers and Result Codes."
E0 Echo off
E1 * Echo on
Hn On/off hook control
H0 * Hang up the Model XM128 modem or ISDN, same as the command ATH.
H3 Hang up the analog adapter, PHONE 1.
H4 Hang up the analog adapter, PHONE 2.
In Display inquired information
I0 Display product code, same as ATI Results:
1291 (USA)
1292 (DSS1)
1293 (1TR6)
I1 Display product information and ROM checksum
Results: XM128 <switch>: V x.xx
where <switch>= USA, DSS1, or 1TR6
I3 Display link status report
I9 Display Microsoft PnP code
JAn n=0-255
Add-threshold for MPPP in Kbps unit
Table C-1. Basic AT command set (continued)
Command Options Function and description