NETGEAR XM128 ISDN Network Router User Manual

Reference Guide for the Model XM128 ISDN Digital Modem
6-2 ISDN Overview
Dialing Out Using ISDN Mode Optional Speech Bearer Service
The Model XM128 modem supports ISDN data utilizing Speech Bearer Service. To enable this
function, you need to set S-register S83 bit 7 to 1 (ATS83.7=1). This function is useful in the areas
where ISDN service providers charge lower usage rates for voice (speech) calls. To enable this
function, enter:
To disable it, enter:
Dialing Out for Analog Adapter Port 1
Using the A command following the ATD tells your Model XM128 modem to switch the call to
analog adapter port PHONE 1, when dialing is complete. Enter:
Dialing Out for Analog Adapter Port 2
Using the B command following the ATD tells your Model XM128 modem to automatically
switch the call to analog adapter port PHONE 2, when dialing is complete. Enter:
Manually Switching Communication Modes
The manual switching function is necessary only if your communication software does not allow
you to change your dial-up string.
You must have an analog modem connected to your plain old telephone service
(POTS) port before you issue this command.