NetWare Configuration
5 - 9
Table 5-4: NDS Printing Errors
Bit Failure Code Meaning Remedy
1 Server out of memory Turn the Server off, wait a few seconds, and turn it back on.
Disable unused protocols and/or remove Þleservers without
print queues from the NetWare access list.
2, 3 Unexpected response
from Þle server
Report the problem to Lantronix Technical Support.
4 No printers found for the
Ensure that there are printers for the print server, and the
printer names match the service names on the print server.
5 No printer queue found Ensure that the printers have associated queues.
6 Login failed Ensure there is a print server object conÞgured with the same
name as the Server.
7 Authentication failed Ensure the Server login password is the same as the print server
object password. If the Server is using the default password
(access), there should be no print server object password.
8 Server cannot attach to
Check the NDS partitions, replicas, and volumes to ensure the
Þle server where the queue lives has the correct information
about the Server and printers.