Nortel Networks Cartridge Network Card User Manual

Release Notes and Cartridge Installation Guide for BCM3.7
Known anomalies in NCM3.6
Archiving files larger than 32 MBytes in size
When trying to archive a patch or image larger than 32 Mbytes in size, using
NCM, the operation can stay at 0%, and fail with error TFTP block number
65536 had to be resent showing on the NCM server log. TFTP operations
support file sizes up to 32Mb.
FTP must be used for larger files. BCM Cumulative patches, as well as many
applications/client software patches, can be in excess of 32Mb in size, and must
be archived using FTP rather than TFTP, as described in the NCM3.6 Client
Software User Guide.
To send larger files to the BCM network, you also can increase the BCM timeout
period value to avoid timeout errors. This property can be set on the NCM
Properties dialog box for each device.
Running NCM as a Windows service.
If NCM is running as a Windows service, the NCM administrator cannot access
the NCM server console window, because services in operating systems cannot
have a user interface. This is an intended limitation.
NCM Keycode not found issue
In some circumstances, the NCM server reports the following error, NCM
Keycode not found, when trying to perform an import operation from the
network, although the NCM keycode actually is installed on the BCM. If you
encounter this situation, contact Nortel Support for instructions on how to resolve
this issue.