Nortel Networks Cartridge Network Card User Manual

N0033985 1.0
PPTP tunnels must be created using Unified Manager on the BCM.
NCM can import existing PPTP tunnels, and are used to modify and export PPTP
tunnels previously imported from a BCM. (CR Q00998234)
Intermittent call routing error messages
The Call Routing Wizard displays the error message, This node is no longer
valid, after call routing configuration has completed, if the BCM core telephony
feature is busy at the same time as the configuration change is attempted
. You
must re-apply the export at a later time. (CR Q00999256)
Keep-Alive-enabled field not present for IPSec Branch
Office Account and Remote User Account
NCM does not support the Keep-Alive Enabled field for the IPSec Branch Office
Account and the Remote User Account. This option must be configured through
the Unified Manager on the BCM.
Executing Trim Archive wizard on File Management folder
The Trim Archive wizard, available under the File Management folder, trims the
number of archived folders for each device on which it is run. The Trim Archive
wizard runs correctly when
used on only one device. However, if used on
multiple devices, as when a folder is selected, the wizard incorrectly deletes
archives from the devices contained in the folder, and you lose more archived data
than originally specified.
To ensure that data is not lost, only run the Trim Archive wizard on one device at
a time.
The NCM patch corrects this issue and allows for the Trim Archive wizard
to be run on multiple devices at one time.