Oki 391 Printer User Manual

130 Microline 390/391 Turbo
Highest (LQ) 60
Indicator Lights 18
key doesn't work 92
Medium (Utility) 60
Print Speed 76
Proportional Spacing 78
Selecting 60, 77
Software commands 60
Print Registration 73, 77
Forms Tear-Off 48, 49, 50
Shift left 73
Shift right 73
Print Server Option 107
Print Size 94
Smallest 62
Standard 62
Print Speed 14, 93
Fastest 62
Medium (Utility) 60
Slowest (LQ) 60
Print Start Position
Reset to factory default position 47
Temporary adjustment 46
Top of Form 40, 46, 47
Print Suppress 74, 78
Dimensions 98
Humidity Specifications 98
Initialization 63
Model Number 106
Parameters 10
Parts and Accessories 106, 107
Printer vs. software settings 89
Reset 19, 63
Serial Number 15
Size 98
Temperature Specifications 98
Weight 98
Printer Control Codes 110
Printer Drivers
matching the emulation 90
Obtaining 66
Operating systems 66
Selecting 37, 65
Printer Parameters 67
Printhead 93
Centering position 76, 91
Heat 117
Life 95
New printhead 91
Part Number 108
Printhead Gap 14
Definition 55
Expanded 56
Extra-thick continuous forms 55
Setting 55
Settings, and Media types 55
Double width and height 78
Embedded Commands 90
High Speed 60
Italics 78
Files don't print correctly 89
Incorrect fonts print 37, 65, 90
Printer doesn't print 90
Smeared print 91